Skincare Routine : Tips for Minimizing Dark Circles

Gentle Cleansing

Start with a mild cleanser to remove impurities without irritating the delicate eye area.

Hydration is Key

Moisturize with an eye cream containing hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid to keep the skin supple.

Protect with SPF

Shield your eyes from UV damage by applying a sunscreen specifically formulated for the eye area.

Cold Compress Magic

Reduce puffiness and constrict blood vessels using a cold compress for a quick and refreshing fix.

Tea Bag Therapy

Employ the soothing properties of cold tea bags, particularly chamomile or green tea, to diminish dark circles.

Sleep Right

Prioritize quality sleep; elevate your head slightly to prevent fluid retention and promote better circulation.

Cucumber Coolness

Place cucumber slices over closed eyes to alleviate swelling and provide a calming effect.

Vitamin-Packed Diet

Consume foods rich in vitamins C and K, and maintain a balanced diet for overall skin health.

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