The 11 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee

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About Black Coffee

The Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee, In our daily routine, we usually drink different types of coffee like latte, cappuccino,  and the like. But did you know that black coffee has its own benefits?

While the rest of the world drinks coffee with milk and sugar, black coffee has just two ingredients hot water and coffee grounds. It’s quick and easy to make, but there are other benefits you should know about before drinking it every day. Here are just some of the 11 benefits of drinking black coffee every day.

1. Extends your life

Numerous studies have found that drinking coffee helps to extend a person’s life. It was revealed that for people who drink between two and three cups per day, it reduces their risk of death by 18 percent compared to non-coffee drinkers.

2. Encourages weight loss

Due to its high caffeine content, black coffee can boost your metabolism. Moreover, drinking it in moderation may lead to weight loss by suppressing your appetite. If you’re lactose intolerant and are looking for a dairy-free diet plan, replacing normal coffee with black coffee can aid in weight loss. In fact, studies show that people who regularly drink decaffeinated coffee (black or otherwise) tend to be slimmer than those who don’t.

3. Black Coffee Improves Memory

People who have consumed black coffee have been known to remember things better than those who have not. This is because caffeine helps increase blood flow to your brain, making it more alert and active. Since blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to your cells, you are more likely to feel focused after a cup or two.

4. Keeps you energetic throughout the day

If you drink coffee in the morning and in midday, it keeps you energetic throughout the day. Many people love to drink coffee since it keeps them active throughout their work or studies. Since it is caffeine-based, it gives a boost to your brain and keeps you alert all day long. In fact, there are many people who cannot start their day without having a cup of black coffee first thing in the morning.

5. Cures insomnia

Research has shown that those who drink coffee before going to bed are less likely to suffer from insomnia and sleep disorders. Caffeine is considered hypnotic, so drinking it at night may help you rest easy. Just don’t go overboard, since too much caffeine can interfere with your sleep cycle.

6. Helps you focus on your work

Some people tend to feel distracted when they drink coffee with milk or sugar. But when they drink black coffee, they do not feel distracted by anything else because all their focus is on their work. This helps them to finish all their work in time, leaving nothing pending.

7. Makes you more productive

The reason why most people prefer to drink black coffee in the morning or afternoon is that it helps them stay awake and alert all day long. As it turns out, researchers have recently proven that those who have high levels of caffeine in their blood tend to be more productive at work. So if you’re looking for an easy way to increase your productivity without making any major changes to your lifestyle, drinking black coffee is one solid idea worth considering. ( Source )

8. Flushes out toxins from your body

Consuming black coffee helps in getting rid of toxic material from your body as it does not allow these toxins to be absorbed by your body. Therefore, it is imperative that you consume a cup or two each day for better health.

9. Prevents cancer cell growth

A Brazilian study in 2013 revealed that consuming four cups of black coffee each day helped people live longer and also helps prevent cancer cell growth. Further, a British Journal research had said that drinking 4-5 cups daily can reduce colorectal cancer risk by 50 percent. Now there is a huge list available that elaborates more benefits of drinking black coffee. The recent health concern about overconsumption of coffee has shifted away from heart issues to focus on its potential cancer benefits, which may not be entirely accurate.

10. Work on Stress

One benefit to drinking black coffee is that it may be able to help you manage stress levels. Caffeine makes people more alert and can sharpen focus, according to a 2015 review published in Nutrients. This can help them control their stress levels. It also has diuretic properties, which is why some recommend black coffee for stress relief as well, according to MedlinePlus. Remember, too much caffeine or too little sleep can increase stress levels instead of helping with managing them.

11. Good For Liver Health

A study conducted at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, Florida, and reported in a 2005 issue of Hepatology found that participants who drank four cups (1 liter) of coffee daily lowered their risk for developing cirrhosis by 67 percent. The protective effect was most pronounced in alcoholics. Scientists believe that coffee may protect against liver damage because it contains antioxidants called polyphenols. Polyphenols are also known to prevent blood clotting, lower cholesterol levels and reduce your risk for certain cancers.

Side Effects Of Drinking Excessive Black Coffee.

Coffee has a lot of health benefits and the consumption of it in the right amount can prove to be very advantageous. However, excessive consumption may have adverse effects. Drinking too much coffee causes issues that doctors warn about especially if one is not careful to do so.

Some of the warnings are discussed below:


1. Stress

Too much black coffee can cause high levels of stress hormones to rise inside your body, which only leads to intense discomfort and restlessness. Coffee that’s on the dark side is easy to drink yet it has an unfavorable effect on health in the long term, not just the immediate effects such as jitters or hyperactivity.

2. Sleep Cycle

Some people may experience insomnia if they consume a lot of coffee. If you plan to drink coffee and then go to bed, make sure you do it four or five hours before your usual bedtime because too much caffeine can cause you to stuff your face with snacks in the evening leading to disturbed sleeping patterns.

3. Reduce Vitamins and Minerals Absorptions

Too much coffee in your system can cause you not to absorb essential vitamins like B6, B12, folate, and zinc; essential minerals like calcium and iron; fatty acids that protect your cells and tissues.

4. Makes Stomach Discomfort

Coffee can cause various intestinal disorders such as bloating, stomach aches, and diarrhea if taken in excess and there can be too much of a good thing, Too much black coffee can be hard on your stomach and give you heartburn and diarrhea.


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